Tuesday, January 8, 2008

About Damn Time

Mr. Richey has gone home, sparing Northwest Ohio any further international embarrassment. Hopefully, we'll see progress on getting rid of the death penalty, so the whole civilized world will be able to stop laughing at the US whenever the "leader of the free world" line comes up. The leader of the free world has no damn business killing its own citizens, a practise that's only used nowadays, by the most backward or tyrannical nations.
It's also time to put an end to these public spectacles by victims' families. If the US wants to call itself a Christian nation, the desire for vengeance is something that can't be tolerated, much less encouraged.


Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

But Jeffrey, would you rather that we warehouse these killers forever, further straining our precious resources?

Notice that I didn't address his innocence or guilt because I am not familiar with the circumstances of the case.

Neither did I address the absolute spectacle we tent to make of such executions.

I merely feel that absolute justice delivered swiftly (like most other nations) would put much of this behind us...

Why do we make such a fuss about carrying out sentences, other countries don't seem to do this.

And yes, I have to agree that our justice system is rife with those who take every chance to mock it.

Jeffrey Smith said...

The countries that don't make a fuss are places like Iran, China, Saudi Arabia, etc. In the free world, there is no death penalty.
The worst problem is that we have no system of justice. We have a hopelessly incompetent system that can't be trusted with power over anyone's life. DNA evidence is clearing death row inmates at a fast clip, because they're innocent. That alone makes it impossible to defend, even aside from the fact that two popes in succession have called clearly for its end, on moral grounds.
This country cannot regain any semblance of moral authority until it joins the rest of the civilized world.

irene said...

Jeffrey, it's good to see you supporting the teaching of the church. I'm not sure why some people who do not choose to call themselves "Catholic".

Jeffrey Smith said...

Actually, warehousing is another problem brought on by the "tough on crime" delusion. The result is a chain of schools for crime.
Other solutions should be non-violent.
For violent offenders, have them do some sort of useful work, but pay them. Not well, but enough to avoid the stain of slave labor. Releasing someone from prison without money and without skills, is a recipe for failure.

irene said...

Have YOU thought of running for elective office -- say, US president? You could count on at least one vote.

Jeffrey Smith said...

I'd sooner be staked out to an anthill. Closest I've come was when a "friend" wrote me in for school board back in Pennsylvania.
I agree with my grandmother. "A democracy is like boiled chicken. The scum always rises to the top."

irene said...

Well said... but how is that different from any other form of government? Lord Acton, you know.

Jeffrey Smith said...

It's not much different, in general. In the garden variety dictatorship or a communist system you get a worse sort of scum. In a monarchy or aristocracy you get people who are bred to rule and usually do a passable to good job of it.

irene said...

Hmmmm... not that I want to start an argument, but then I take it you disagree with Winston Churchill -- who, after all, was a real Churchill (= (De)Spenser splinter).

Jeffrey Smith said...

There's a lot where he and I part company.
In the direct male line, he was a Spencer. The de had been gone for centuries. Spencer-Churchill was his surname.