Saturday, January 5, 2008

Perrysburg Municipal Building

This was built with the intention of luring the county seat of Wood County back to Perrysburg. When that failed, it became the town hall. Edward O. Fallis had a hand in its design.
Good work. Notice the window over the entrance.
Too bad this was lost to the age of government vandalism.
Photos: Toledo-Lucas County Public Library.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Immaculate Conception, Old South End

The vaulting in the Sacred Heart Chapel.

Old South End Cottage

No, it's not the garage. In the old south, it would have been called a garconniere, and been a hideaway for the eldest son of the family. In the 20th century, things like this were sometimes called "mother-in-law houses". Whatever you want to call it, I love it. Take that covering off the porch and it would be perfect for me. I wonder if the owner would like to adopt a crotchety old uncle?

Edward Drummond Libbey

Libbey Glass, Toledo

Back then, even the factories were worth looking at.

Way Library, Perrysburg

Very impressive, even if the tower was a bit out of proportion to the rest of the building.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Toledo's Most Important Landmark

The Oliver House. I'll tell you why it's so important as soon as I summon up the energy to dig out the pictures.

Toledo Artists

Another work by Edmund Osthaus.

Johnson's Island

The cemetery at the Civil War prison camp.
For more information, CLICK HERE.
Photos by Kevin Hammer

Monday, December 31, 2007

Immaculate Conception Church, Old South End

Augsburg Lutheran Church, West Toledo

Stained glass windows always look good on a cold night.
Photos by SheriYS

Screw Times Square

Who needs New York? Why be jostled by a crowd no one in his right mind would trust when you could have a fun night in a pleasant little town along a beautiful lake? Port Clinton, Ohio, doesn't drop a big ball on New Year's Eve. That's boring. They drop a 20 ft. walleye. Now do you see why I like Ohio?