Saturday, April 5, 2008

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Danny Thomas Park, Old South End

St. Hyacinth, Parkside Boulevard

Lotus Street, Old South End

I took these on my way back from an appointment this morning. Contrary to my usual practise, I didn't feel up to climbing over the railroad to get a few shots of the river.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Visitation Monastery, Parkside Boulevard

Old West End Houses

St. Clair Street, Old South End

There are several decent business buildings near SS Peter and Paul Church.
Unfortunately, in our brave new business climate, they need a different use. The one on top is some sort of church and the one on the bottom looks is being used, but I have no idea for what purpose.
Broadway, in this area, is doing surprisingly well. Much better than most of the older neighborhood business districts. You'll hear the "glass half empty" crowd lamenting, but there really aren't many empty storefronts. Take a close look. Most people who indulge in drive-by snottiness don't.

Edward O. Fallis

One of Toledo's great architects. He designed the Valentine theater and a whole slew of buildings in Toledo and across the Midwest. He was also the founder of Toledo's penchant for stepped and scalloped gables.