Saturday, March 15, 2008

Agnes Reynolds Jackson Arboretum, Old West End

I like this idea. Broken pieces of ornament, salvaged from demolished buildings, were used to make a memorial garden.


Anonymous said...

That is awesome! I love it. Did the home owners put it there, or was it a community project? Where is it located in the Old West End?

Jeffrey Smith said...

It's at Robinwood and Delaware. I believe it was completely a neighborhood project.

Anonymous said...

The pieces were put there by the Old West End Association. They are not from a demolished building, but rather from the very much still standing Bartley mansion on Collingwood (now part of Museum Place). A portion of the facade fell, I believe in the late 70's or early 80's. The pieces were donated to the OWEA to use as public scupture. The only exception is one piece which came from the old State Theater which used to be on Collingwood near Delaware and was torn down in the early 90's.