Monday, September 8, 2008

Vacant Lots

They're everywhere, but no one notices unless they live next to one. This one's typical.
This one's anything BUT typical. That's because the next door neighbor didn't care to live beside a rubbish tip and did something about it.
Most Toledoans would have practiced the city's favorite hobby. They'd have bitched about it. Wouldn't have accomplished anything, but I suppose it's good therapy.
Think of what Toledo would look like if the energy wasted on bitching and moaning went into work, instead.
And, yes, a lot of work went into this.

Not only work, but a definite flair for landscaping.
Looks much better than the chain-link fence under it.
As far as I'm concerned, Toledo needs more people like Tom Nunley.

Old South End Gardens

Old South End Gardens