They're everywhere, but no one notices unless they live next to one. This one's typical.

This one's anything BUT typical. That's because the next door neighbor didn't care to live beside a rubbish tip and did something about it.

Most Toledoans would have practiced the city's favorite hobby. They'd have bitched about it. Wouldn't have accomplished anything, but I suppose it's good therapy.

Think of what Toledo would look like if the energy wasted on bitching and moaning went into work, instead.

And, yes, a lot of work went into this.

Not only work, but a definite flair for landscaping.

Looks much better than the chain-link fence under it.

As far as I'm concerned, Toledo needs more people like Tom Nunley.
I sooooo agree with you. I never found a patch of ground I where didn't plant something. I never rented or owned a house or apartment that I didn't leave behind a pruned, mowed, and planted yard.
People that don't maintain their property are thieves. They have their hands in the pockets of their neighbors by lowering the property values.
The area I live in has a distcnct lack of "pride of ownership". It will drive us out eventually....
I bet you know where this house is. (Second house on page - the one for 274,000.00)http://www.danberry.com/dansite/propertysearch.php?search=true&page=1
It is soooo gorgeous.
I couldn't get that url to work, but I looked at their site. If it's 2040 Scottwood I certainly know. It's around the corner toward the Museum, near the Libbey House. Edward Fallis ( The first architect of my parish church ) designed it and I think I posted pictures of it at this blog. Do a blog search for "International Institute". I noticed it's for sale the last time I walked down that way.
2040 Scottwood it is.... Outstanding. At teeny, tiny too large for us, though.
Thanks for the info. I was trying to read the sign over the door. Wonder why they're selling?
419 W. Delaware is kinda cute.
Now hubby is thinking Ann Manor is kinda cool.
Hubby has a question for you. If property is selling so low and the population is actually decreasing a bit, how can they collect enough tax dollars for basic services like police and fire? Do you forsee any problems in that area?
I'm going to jump on my Google Earth and take a tour of the West End.....Maybe I can find your house...
I forsee problems like that in most of the country, and worse. Toledo has a long way to go before it could get there, though. We aren't limited to property taxes for revenue, unlike smaller towns.
419 Delaware is cute but it's not in the Old West End. It's Uptown, which means it's a rotten investment, unless things get a lot better. I noticed that realtor tends to expand the borders a good bit, even as far as 12th street, which is almost Downtown. Check them all on a map, and if it's east of Collingwood or within a block of Central, don't bother.
I'm afraid I have the original black thumb -- couldn't make dandelions grow.
But I do envy those with the gifts to create something beautiful.
Thanks - I was wondering about the actual boundries of Old West End.
We have started putting money away for my trip there in the spring. Should I come in April or May?
And you're on for a church tour.
Spent some time of the Cathedral site. I could sure see myself going to church there.
Do you realize that over 100K Catholics live in the Toledo area alone (not counting the entire diocese)? And I counted about 27 or 28 Catholic Churches in Toledo proper.
Next question. Do you find the humidity to be a problem? It is just a bit lower than St.Paul/Mpls area where we orginate from and we hated it. We have very low - almost too low, humidity here in the summer but much higher temps.
If my questions become a burden (as my hubby is afraid they may) just say so. I'll understand...
...and when I come can may I sit on your favorite bench in the park and soak up the atmosphere?
In practice, I'd put the boundaries from Collingwood to the expressway and from Monroe to Central.
Not much difference between April and May, as far as I can see.
The humidity can be annoying, but it goes with the territory.
Most of Northwest Ohio is Catholic. That makes up for a lot.
adrienne, Toledo certainly is considerably more humid than northern Idaho, and the temperatures are considerably more moderate. Visiting in April/May tends to set you up for the rainy season. Temps are a little less chilling in May.
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