My feeling on this complex are mixed. Overall, it's very nice. However, there's an imbalance.

This is what the church looked like, originally. It was an excellent design, while now it's merely a good design. As much as I like half-timbering, I really wish they'd left well enough alone. I'll admit that, when Hahn and Hayes added a new facade in 1954, they did a good job. Much better, in fact, than the usual product of that decade of insanity and inanity. That doesn't quite make up for the fact that the original design, built in 1868, was better.

Why was the facade changed? Well, aside from the fact that it was a decade when the majority of the people who made any major decisions were bloody feckin' idjits, they wanted it to match the parish house that had been built next door. The parish house is why I have mixed feelings.

It's, quite simply, one of the best Gothic buildings in Toledo. Leave out two or three churches and it's the best.