Saturday, March 29, 2008

Friday, March 28, 2008

Thursday, March 27, 2008

On Broadway

Anyone know anything about these? They're at Logan, just past the expressway.

On Broadway

The Neukom House, down toward Clayton. Albert Neukom, a building contractor who specialized in stone, built it in the 1880's.
Amazing that it's survived, intact down the the carriage house out back.
I haven't been able to find information on the neighbor, though.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Cathedral School, Old West End

A Slight Bleg

You might have noticed there's a donation button in the sidebar. Having arthritis, a bad lung, and a tricky heart has an unfortunate effect on the income. Any help with bus fare to keep the pictures coming is appreciated.

Albin B. Tillinghast House

1901. This one's my favorite.

Toledo Museum of Art