Monday, November 26, 2007

Park Hotel, Old South End

Beautiful entrance, but it's in need of maintenance.
I believe the streets are Wade and Knapp, between the Amtrak station and Broadway.


Kevin Hammer said...

I think there were plans to make that a youth hostel, during the first Carty administration.

Jeffrey Smith said...

I believe that's another building a block away. There's a weathered and bedraggled sign announcing the future home of a hostel. Another example of his much crowed about results.
This one has a bar or restaurant that seems to be doing well. That part's well tended, unlike the rest of it.

Vince Porter said...

Jeff, you are correct the youth hostel is planned for the Hotel Royal (across Knapp from the Park Hotel w/ frontage on Broadway). I just purchased the Park Hotel with two partners in November. Our intent is to revitalize the building. We have a couple of ideas but are open to any suggestions.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeff, I am one of the partners with Vince. If you have any questions or would like to get a hold of us? Feel free to visit our site a . Thank you.

Jeffrey Smith said...

Excellent. The only suggestion I'd really make is to make the woodwork and glass in those entrances are preserved. They're good work and deserve the attention.
It's a good building and the condition looks tolerable. Good luck. I'll look forward to seeing the results.